Wills & Probate


Making a will is a complex and important task. Not only do you want to ensure your money is left to the right people, you also need to mitigate any tax liability. While it may be attractive to draw up your own will, by leaving the task to the experts you can avoid costly disputes, excessive taxation and undesirable distribution of assets after your death.

A black pen and a Living Will declaration document

Wills - the before and after

In addition to drawing up wills, we are experienced probate solicitors, who can sort out complicated estates, obtain probate (the legal recognition of a will's validity) and deal with disputed and badly drawn up wills.

A will being signed with a fountain pen

Take care of your assets

  • Wills and codicils executed
  • Trusts and asset protection
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Mutual wills for couples
  • Living wills and welfare issues

Your assets will be distributed according to your wishes after your death.

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