Tel: 020 8561 6090
Making a will is a complex and important task. Not only do you want to ensure your money is left to the right people, you also need to mitigate any tax liability. While it may be attractive to draw up your own will, by leaving the task to the experts you can avoid costly disputes, excessive taxation and undesirable distribution of assets after your death.
In addition to drawing up wills, we are experienced probate solicitors, who can sort out complicated estates, obtain probate (the legal recognition of a will's validity) and deal with disputed and badly drawn up wills.
Your assets will be distributed according to your wishes after your death.
Lawmen Solicitors Ltd trading as Lawmen Solicitors, registered in England and Wales 10552859 VAT number 262957864
Lawmen Solicitors Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA number 636118